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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


The action is not allowed. A parent was not found

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I've seen a couple of issues with the same error message but even after using the solutions provided I get the same error.


The error message: 

AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)


With Python code:

url_add_hostwithaddr = wapi_url + "/record:host?_return_fields%2B=name,ipv4addrs&_return_as_object=1"
headers_add_hostwithaddr = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
data_add_hostwithaddr = "{\"name\": \"hostname\", \"view\": \"default\", \"comment\": \"a comment\", \"ipv4addrs\": [{\"ipv4addr\": \"\", \"configure_for_dhcp\": false}]}"
allocated_host = api_request("POST", url_add_hostwithaddr, username, password, data=data_add_hostwithaddr, json=headers_add_hostwithaddr)


Or with a curl command:


curl -k1 -u user:pass -H "Content-Type: appliction/json" -X POST https://infoblox/wapi/v2.11.1/record:host -d "{\"name\": \"hostname\", \"view\": \"default\", \"comment\": \"a comment\", \"ipv4addrs\": [{\"ipv4addr\": \"\", \"configure_for_dhcp\": false}]}"



After seeing those issues, I configured the view:


Also, I saw this post but was not able to find any regex policy tab in my grid properties?



Thanks in advance!

Re: The action is not allowed. A parent was not found

Posts: 312
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Host records require either a parent zone or a network.  In the example shown, since DNS is not enabled and the hostname is not fully qualified, there must be a network where the host can be parented.


So make sure there's a network configured (such as or whatever) before creating the host record.



Re: The action is not allowed. A parent was not found

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The network exist and if I add the same fixed address with this code it's working:

add_fixed_address_url = wapi_url + "/fixedaddress?_return_fields%2B=ipv4addr,mac&_return_as_object=1"
data_fixed_address = "{\"ipv4addr\": \"\", \"mac\":\"aa:bb:cc:11:22:21\"}"
headers_fixed_address = "{'content-type': 'application/json'}"
allocated_ip = api_request("POST", add_fixed_address_url, username, password, data=data_fixed_address, json=headers_fixed_address)


Is there a way to specify the parent nework in the record:host request? 

Re: The action is not allowed. A parent was not found

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Posts: 3
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Well it seems that the solution was to add this in the request:

"configure_for_dns": false


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