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Network Automation and Compliance (NetMRI)


NetMRI API call to delete old configuration revision

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Hi. It seems NetMRI does not support configuration retention policy (e.g. keep max N latest revisions but no longer than D days).
Some devices have quite heavy configurations and receive updates frequently. As result, 10K+ of large config revisions per device is not unheard.
Manual removal from Web UI is not the easiest task (visit each device, max 50 revisions can be deleted at each step). However there is Web UI call available to delete specific revision ID /webui/config_explorer/config_delete?_dc=<some_id>&encodedDeletions=<revision_id>

Not sure where <some_id> for _dc comes from, it does not match any attribute in device class.
I’m pretty sure it's not unique problem and someone has faced similar challenges before, perhaps some easy and elegant solution exists. At the moment I’m looking for an API method to delete old config revisions where revision ID could be supplied as parameter. Please could you share your ideas regarding API way.

Re: NetMRI API call to delete old configuration revision

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Yet to find an API call to make this easy.


However, on the UI, instead of clicking on each Device URL, then going to Config Explorer and deleting the files, the following location may be better suited for the task


Config Management > Config Archive 


This will give you direct access to all the configs collected by NetMRI and you can select a device on the left pane and delete the configs on the right.


You still have to delete them 50 at a time. This will be way faster than opening each device and navigating to Config Explorer section and then deleting.


I understand that this is not the solution you are looking for, but just wanted to share the other available UI option.

Re: NetMRI API call to delete old configuration revision

[ Edited ]
New Member
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That's good to know! Thank you!

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