
Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

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I'm setting up a POC on the virtual appliance.  I've configured the LAN1 address.  I've added and configured the MGMT port.  I then enabled Temp licensing and kicked off the Grid Setup Wizard.  I receive the "Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces" error message after clicking finish on the setup wizard process.


Can anyone explain this and how to resolve?




Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

Posts: 18
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What is a POC?

Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

Posts: 18
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And by the way I have never had good luck using the Grid Setup wizard.  And I have never seen that erro in a year of setting up virtual appliances, and so I am curious as to why it happened.  I am also curious to see what the solution is.

Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

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Proof of Concept

Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

Posts: 51
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I'm basically following the admin guide, specifically the configuration example for creating the Grid Master.  What's another way to configure the Grid?

Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

[ Edited ]
Posts: 18
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I have been testing Virtual Appliances about a year and building Grids and rebuilding Grids. (temp Licenses expire every 90 days) so I have plenty of practice.   The Admin Guide is great but sometimes it is a little cryptic.  I offer my lessons learned and please test them in your environment.


I set up my plan 

GM, GMC - The LAN1 subnet IPs for these machines must be the same as the subnet for the regular grid members future MGMT subnet IPs

For your Proof of Concept I would keep things to two subnets IP - Subnet mask GW - IP - Subnet mask GW -


GridMember - LAN1 IP - Subnet mask GW -

GridMember LAN1 IP - Subnet mask GW


I deploy my appliances on VMWare 

I am going to skip to provisioning the appliances.


I log in to the CLI of the Grid master.  

I set the license option.  I use option 8 then Option 2.

The Grid Masters, Grid master Candidates will get option 8 – Add a VNIOS License. Then the product will restart automatically. The option to pick next will be option 2 - DNSone with Grid (DNS, DNS, DHCP, Grid).


It will rest at least once.

Once Licenses are set


I then enable the remote session and set the session timeout to a long time.


Then set the network on the GM

Then log in via a Browser to the VM.

Check the grid settings.

Now we are going to add to the Grid.  You will first build the "house" on the GUI interface.  So add the GMC to the GUI interface.

Then log into the CLI on the GMC.

Set licenses, remote session, session timeout.

Then set network, when the question comes up "Add to Grid?" answer yes and put in the LAN1 of GM, Name, and secret.  If you don't Change the defaults it will be Infoblox and test.

Then keep refreshing the GUI.

It should change status to Green.

Note:  After the Grid is built it is easy to add a MGMT IP to the grid members and use that for grid communications.

Have fun



Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

Posts: 51
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@cnsieler wrote:

I have been testing Virtual Appliances about a year and building Grids and rebuilding Grids

At only a few weeks I don't feel so bad now Smiley HappySmiley Mad


Huge thanks for your steps!  I was trying to get the interfaces established before configuring the GM.  And getting nowhere.  I'll give your procedure a go.  Thanks again!

Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

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I'm running into the same issue "CANNOT ENABLE THE MGMT PORT WITHOUT CONFIGURED INTERFACES" Because this is a remote installation and I only have access to the OOB mgmt subnet, thet mgmt interfaces were added activated and configured first on both devices.

The Grid, appliance, dns, dhcp licenses are already installed.

Now when trying to configure an HA pair gridmaster the wizard won't complete with this message : CANNOT ENABLE THE MGMT PORT WITHOUT CONFIGURED INTERFACES


Is it not possible to create a grid when MGMT interfaces are configured first ? instead of after ? 

Re: Cannot enable the MGMT port without configured interfaces

[ Edited ]
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I log in to the CLI of the Grid master. I set the license option. I use option 8 then Option 2. The Grid Masters, Grid master Candidates will get option 8 – Add a VNIOS License. Then the product will restart automatically. The option to pick next will be option 2 - DNSone with Grid (DNS, DNS, DHCP, Grid).


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