
eval license

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the infoblox 8.4.3 is currently running on eval, we are still waiting for the arrival of actual license. 


Looking at the 8.4 doco and my current eval... i cannot see dns and dhcp function in it...


question: does the eval only come with ipam but not dns resolver and dhcp integration ? 

Re: eval license

Posts: 188
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It doesn't sound like you have loaded on the correct temporary licenses.


From the command line run "set temp_license" and install the "DNSone with Grid" license (option 2):


Infoblox > set temp_license

1. DNSone (DNS, DHCP)
2. DNSone with Grid (DNS, DHCP, Grid)
3. Network Services for Voice (DHCP, Grid)
4. Add NIOS License
5. Add DNS Server license
6. Add DHCP Server license
7. Add Grid license
8. Add Microsoft management license
9. Add Multi-Grid Management license
10. Add Query Redirection license
11. Add Response Policy Zones license
12. Add FireEye license
13. Add DNS Traffic Control license
14. Add Cloud Network Automation license
15. Add Security Ecosystem license
16. Add Flex Grid Activation license
17. Add Flex Grid Activation for Managed Services license

Select license (1-17) or q to quit:


You'll also need a NIOS license (option 4).

Paul Roberts
PCN (UK) Ltd

All opinions expressed are my own and not representative of PCN Inc./PCN (UK) Ltd. E&OE
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