
Swap hardware Grid and member => best practice for a beginner

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I'm about to make a hardware change (Grid and member), I have read a lot of information on the Infoblox site but I am still in doubt ...

I have 2 Grids in standalone (1 Master and 1 Candidate on two different sites) and 2 DHCP members in HA.

First question: My current Grids are IB-1420 and I change them for IB-1425 ... I think having 2 different hardware during the replacement should not be a problem?

Second Question: I think, i understood the principle of replacement according to the mode (Standalone or HA) but it's better to start with the Grid Master or the Grid Candidate? (I know the question is stupid, but this will be the first time I've changed my hardware since 2016 ^^) Thanking you for your answers (and your indulgence)

Best Regards


Re: Swap hardware Grid and member => best practice for a beginner

Posts: 188
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I don't think it really matters what order you do them in - how did you get on with this anyway?

Paul Roberts
PCN (UK) Ltd

All opinions expressed are my own and not representative of PCN Inc./PCN (UK) Ltd. E&OE
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