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How do I create a report for dhcp lease history for only one subnet?

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I would like to create a report so I can filter on only one subnet for dhcp lease history. I see the default report but it list all subnets and would like to filter that down to just one subnet.

Re: How do I create a report for dhcp lease history for only one subnet?

New Member
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I have the same issue, but would also like to filter on a date time range at the same time.


Re: How do I create a report for dhcp lease history for only one subnet?

New Member
Posts: 2
3766     0

Use this search in the reporting server, and note where the subnet clauses are to change the subnets.





sourcetype=ib:dhcp:lease_history index=ib_dhcp_lease_history dhcpd OR dhcpdv6 r-l-e (LEASE_IP="") OR (LEASE_IP="") | eval Protocol=if(PROTO=="dhcpdv6","IPV6","IPV4") | eval LEASE_START=strftime(START_EPOCH, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | eval LEASE_END=strftime(END_EPOCH, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | lookup os_number_fingerprint_lookup OS_NUMBER output SFP | eval FINGER_PRINT=if(isnull(OS_NUMBER) OR OS_NUMBER==0,FP,SFP) | lookup nios_member_ip_lookup host output MEMBER_IP | lookup fingerprint_device_class_lookup FINGER_PRINT output DEVICE_CLASS | eval DEVICE_CLASS=if(isnull(DEVICE_CLASS), "Modified or Deleted", DEVICE_CLASS) | rename host as "Member", ACTION as "Action", LEASE_IP as "Lease IP", MAC_DUID as "MAC/DUID", MEMBER_IP as "Member IP", OPTION12HOST as "Host Name", LEASE_START as "Lease Start", LEASE_END as "Lease End", FINGER_PRINT as "Fingerprint" | convert ctime(_time) as Time | table Time, Member, "Member IP", Protocol, Action, "Lease IP", "MAC/DUID", "Host Name", "Lease Start", "Lease End", "Fingerprint"

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