Infoblox’s global team of threat hunters uncovers a DNS operation with the ability to bypass traditional security measures and control the Great Firewall of China. Read about “Muddling Meerkat” and the many other threat actors discovered by Infoblox Threat Intel here.



Report host DNS target queries

[ Edited ]
New Member
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Is there a way to generate a report which shows me the target DNS queries from a spacific host?

I have a host machine that's generating an inordinate amout of queries and I need to know what it's querying. Is there a canned report to find that out or is there a way to create a new report fom the reporting server to do that?




Pete Franco

Re: Report host DNS target queries

[ Edited ]
Posts: 81
3278     0

Yes Pete, we can!


I’ve crafted an XML code in the past which would meet your use-case. Please see my reply to one of the community posts here . Hope that’ll meet your expectations.


In any case, let me know if you have questions/concerns.


Best regards.

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