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#3834: System swap memory usage exceeds its critical threshold value



The critical threshold value for swap memory usage defaults to 20%. Swap memory usage may exceed its critical threshold value under various conditions. It becomes important when performance is impacted.





Increase the critical threshold value when swap memory usage exceeds the threshold but does not increase continuously and does not impact performance. See "Defining Thresholds for Traps" in the NIOS Administrator Guide.


Upgrade to NIOS 6.10.11 or a later version wnen swap memory usage peaks above its critical threshold value and impacts performance while operating with NIOS 6.10.1 through NIOS 6.10.10 on IB-550-A or IB 1050-A.

Contact Technical Support when swap usage memory exceeds its critical threshold value after an upgrade.

Contact Technical Support when


  • Swap memory usage exceeds its critical threshold value
  • Performance is impacted
  • None of the previous conditions apply

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