Member since 07-23-2014

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If you're using DHCP Failover, there are two appliances that hold leases for each client. Each lease will show up in an export, and they look identical except that the owner is different for each.
You don't need to get the network first, the fixed address will be created in t...
This should work but it's not returning anything on my grid: curl -k -u admin:i...
Based on the API doc, the sources field is not searchable. NIOS will always ret...
Try the discovery:deviceneighbor object, and include the reference to the devic...
OK, I'm getting closer. I found the correct docs and I've been able to alter the grid properties to allow what I want, now I'm attempting to figure out all of the correct permissions.
Take a look at the text config for a DNS appliance. Data Management / DNS / Mem...
Thanks for the response! That got me on the right track. I had to use the fixed...
You can search without a filter to return all MAC Addresses used in MAC Addres Filters: GET ''

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