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error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

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So, I wanted to configure next available IP address using request single call.


Here's my IPv4 call: https://{{grid_ip}}/wapi/v2.9.5/request


and then I'm passing all parameters as follow: (apologies if I'm not using correct terminology)


    "method": "POST",
    "object": "record:host",
    "data": { "configure_for_dns": false,
                  "ipv4addrs":[{"configure_for_dhcp": false,
                                                           "_object" : "network",
                "name": "CPE_1",
                "network_view": "sandbox"},
    "args": { "_return_fields": "name" }

and this one works perfectly fine and I'm able to configure next available IPv4 address. now, I'm trying to do same thing for IPv6

    "method": "POST",
    "object": "record:host",
    "data": { "configure_for_dns": false,
                  "ipv6addrs":[{"configure_for_dhcp": false,
                                                           "_object" : "ipv6network",
                "name": "CPE_1",
                "network_view": "sandbox"},
    "args": { "_return_fields": "name" }


but when i run this query, I got following error:

"Error": "AdmConProtoError: The search parameters {\"network\": \"2600:6801:1106:f00::f00/120\"} for object ipv6network returned multiple objects",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
"text": "The search parameters {\"network\": \"2600:6801:1106:f00::f00/120\"} for object ipv6network returned multiple objects"

according to this document:
but example provided here is for Ipv4 and not for ipv6 and when I try to do same for IPv6 I got above error.
Can anyone try out and point me as to what i am doing wrong here?


Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

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Do you have the same IPv6 network(2600:6801:1106:f00::f00/120) in different network views on your grid?


If yes, please add the network_view parameter in your list of _object_parameters like below:

'_object_parameters': {
        'network': '2600:6801:1106:f00::f00/120',
        'network_view': 'replace_with_your_network_view',

Hope this helps,

Krishna Vasudevan

Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

Posts: 9
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YES!!! You're right

That one worked. However, I have to define Network_View twice in the body part. 

"method": "POST",
"object": "record:host",
"data": { "configure_for_dns": false,
"ipv6addrs":[{"configure_for_dhcp": false,
"_object" : "ipv6network",
"_object_parameters":{"network":"2600:6801:1106:f00::f00/120", "network_view": "sandbox"}}}],
"network_view": "sandbox",
"name": "Loopback-4"},
"args": { "_return_fields": "name,ipv6addrs,network_view" }


Is It because I have the same subnet in 2 different network Views? If you can explain as to why I need to use twice I would make things clear.


Just to test it out I created a dummy IPv6 network and it worked fine. So, I guess it was the issue with conflicting IPv6 addresses in 2 different views. 

"method": "POST",
"object": "record:host",
"data": { "configure_for_dns": false,
"ipv6addrs":[{"configure_for_dhcp": false,
"_object" : "ipv6network",
"network_view": "sandbox",
"name": "Loopback-5"},
"args": { "_return_fields": "name,ipv6addrs,network_view" }






Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

Posts: 181
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The first network view (in the _object_parameters) indicates that the network you are looking for is in the network view 'sandbox'.


The second network view (network_view) indicates that the host record you are creating is created within the network view 'sandbox'.


I hope this makes sense,

Krishna Vasudevan

Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

Posts: 9
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It absolutely does. Many Thanks, Krishna.

Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

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I'm trying to get next available ip from network in specific view.
However im keep getting following error:

{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: JSON Decoding: Expecting property name: line 2 column 1 (char 3)",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Proto.JSONDecoding",
"text": "JSON Decoding: Expecting property name: line 2 column 1 (char 3)"

Im not sure anymore if this is formating issue or Im doing something wrong?

My code below:

curl -k -u admin:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d \
	"method": "POST",
	"object": "record:host",
	"data": {
		"configure_for_dns": false,
		"ipv4addrs": [{
			"configure_for_dhcp": false,
			"ipv4addr": {
				"_object_function": "next_available_ip",
				"_result_field": "ips",
				"_object": "network",
				"_object_parameters": {
					"network": ""
					"network_view": "TEST",
					"extattrs":{"VLAN":{"value":"11"}, "Site":{"value": "CHTES"}}
		"name": "test1",
		"comment": "Test Object"
		"network_view": "TEST"
	"args": {
		"_return_fields": { "_return_fields": "name,ipv4addr,network_view,extattrs" }

Kindly let me know what is the issue, as it drives me mad Smiley Happy


Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

Posts: 312
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Yeah this can be frustrating!  Try the version below.


A few notes:

- I've found that spaces work better than tabs for indenting, at least on Mac OSX

- the extattrs are not needed to select the network.

- _return_fields is inside of itself, it's only needed once

- added a missing comma after the comment


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST '' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
  "method": "POST",
  "object": "record:host",
  "data": {
    "configure_for_dns": false,
    "ipv4addrs": [{
      "configure_for_dhcp": false,
      "ipv4addr": {
        "_object_function": "next_available_ip",
        "_result_field": "ips",
        "_object": "network",
        "_object_parameters": {
          "network": "",
          "network_view": "TEST"
    "name": "test1",
    "comment": "Test Object",
    "network_view": "TEST"
  "args": {
    "_return_fields": "name,ipv4addrs,network_view,extattrs"





Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

New Member
Posts: 2
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Mr/Mrs MRichard Community Manager

You are the life saver Smiley Happy

It does work. I have need to get "next_available_ip" by extattrs - for example: VLAN and Site code.
I will play with it and try to get this working also.

For now this works!

Do you know how I can create lets say 5 next_available_ip? Can I just use:

"_parameters": {"num": 5, "exclude": [""]}
Just cant get my head around how I will pass name object?

Below is working code, Thx once again Smiley Happy

curl -k -u admin-ansible:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d \
  "method": "POST",
  "object": "record:host",
  "data": {
    "configure_for_dns": false,
    "ipv4addrs": [{
      "configure_for_dhcp": false,
      "ipv4addr": {
        "_object_function": "next_available_ip",
        "_result_field": "ips",
        "_object": "network",
        "_parameters": {"exclude": [""]},
        "_object_parameters": {
          "network": "",
          "network_view": "TEST"
    "name": "test1",
    "comment": "Test Object",
    "network_view": "TEST"
  "args": {
    "_return_fields": "name,ipv4addrs,network_view,extattrs"

Re: error while configuring next_available_IP for IPv6 using request method single call

[ Edited ]
Posts: 312
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In this case we're making a single host record, and then assigning the IP address using the next_available_ip function.  so the "num" parameter doesn't have any effect.


You could use separate calls for each host, or you could use one multibody-request call with requests for each host.


Here's a different multibody-request example.


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