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Not able to GET custom DHCP options

New Member
Posts: 1
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Can someone tell me why I don't see all custom DHCP options when I issue a call like this:


curl -k -u adminSmiley Tongueassword -X GET


I only seem to get a basic list of options (DNS servers, router, lease time) or more confusingly a mix of basic and custom options but not the full list.


Thanks for your help,



Re: Not able to GET custom DHCP options

Posts: 14
3762     1

Hi Mike, did you get a response on this? Or have you figured out a solution? I ran into the exact same problem. I would appreciate it if you could shed some light. If not I will open a ticket with their support. Thanks

Re: Not able to GET custom DHCP options

Posts: 312
3762     1

The "options" field will return all the DHCP options assigned directly to the network.  It will not show any options inherited from higher levels like network containers, DHCP members, or the grid level.

Re: Not able to GET custom DHCP options

Posts: 14
3762     1

Thanks Richard. However, the option is assigned to the lower level, which is the range (IPv4 DHCP Range) itself. Please see the attached screenshot for the config. 

dhcp range options.png

Re: Not able to GET custom DHCP options

Posts: 312
3762     1

For best practices and consistency, options should not be assigned to the range, but instead assigned to the network. 

To view any options assigned to the range, you will want to request the range option including the options field.

Re: Not able to GET custom DHCP options

Posts: 14
3762     1

Totally agree... However, this is the condition when I received this work...

Here is my URL for the API call with the postman. I already included the options field... 



Re: Not able to GET custom DHCP options

New Member
Posts: 1
3762     1

Also having the same issue

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