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Trying to create 2 device groups based on similar multiple criteria. 1 works fine, the other doesn't

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Trying to create 2 device groups based on similar multiple criteria. 1 works fine, the other doesn't.


Custom Flag checks for specific VLANs on a switch and turns teh flag on if present.


Group 1 uses the custom flag and existing paramaters and seems to be working just fine.

$custom_VLANSEXISTS eq 'TRUE' and $Name like /TEST1/ or $Name like /TEST2/ or $Name like /TEST3/


When I create Group 2 that exludes the names to sort out those from the list, it doesn't work and inclues multiple devices that don't match the first criteria:

$custom_VLANSEXISTS eq 'TRUE' and $Name not like /TEST1/ or $Name not like /TEST2/ or $Name not like /TEST3/


Tried various formats of the same criteria above without success. 


$custom_VLANSEXISTS eq 'TRUE' and ($Name not like /TEST1/ or $Name not like /TEST2/ or $Name not like /TEST3/) - FAILED


Re: Trying to create 2 device groups based on similar multiple criteria. 1 works fine, the other doe

Posts: 70
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First, the parenthesis that you included in your first example are required for the affirmative test -- where any of the three patterns are matched.  Otherwise the boolean order of operations would first evaluate the "and", followed by the two "or" conditions.


If I understand correctly, you want to omit devices that match any of the three name patterns.  For the negative match, you need to use:

$Name not like /TEST1/ and $Name not like /TEST2/ and $Name not like /TEST3/

Since those are all "and" conditions, the parenthesis are not needed.



Re: Trying to create 2 device groups based on similar multiple criteria. 1 works fine, the other doe

New Member
Posts: 3
1970     1

Awesome, thanks that was it. Not sure why I didn't go that route. I apprecaite your help.

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