
Filter DHCP lease history with Extensible attributes

[ Edited ]
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A customer asked me today to export dhcp lease history from Turkey only.


Here are the steps to filter DHCP lease history based on Extensible attributes:


1) Export Networks from IPAM

Capture d’écran 2019-02-01 à 15.22.47.png


2) Import in Reporting lookup, change permissions and test it:


Capture d’écran 2019-02-01 à 17.47.02.png

Capture d’écran 2019-02-01 à 15.22.32.png

3) Update the DHCP lease history search

sourcetype=ib:dhcp:lease_history index=ib_dhcp_lease_history dhcpd OR dhcpdv6 r-l-e | eval Network=FP_NW+"/"+FP_CIDR | lookup network-with-ea.csv Network as Network | eval Protocol=if(PROTO=="dhcpdv6","IPV6","IPV4") | noop | eval LEASE_START=strftime(START_EPOCH, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | eval LEASE_END=strftime(END_EPOCH, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") | eval dummy_epoch="" | eval __COMMENT="The lease_time.latest and lease_time.latest are the date format in epoch number. For example if timestamp is 01-01-1971 01.01.01, the epoch number is 8 digit number. So taken lease_time length with >=8." | eval min_lengh_epoch=8 | eval earliest=if(len("0") <= min_lengh_epoch, dummy_epoch , "0") | eval latest=if(len("") <= min_lengh_epoch, dummy_epoch , "") | eval earliest=if(len("0") == 0, START_EPOCH,"0") | eval latest=if(len("") == 0, END_EPOCH,"") | where ((earliest <= START_EPOCH) AND (START_EPOCH <= latest)) OR ((earliest <= END_EPOCH) AND (END_EPOCH <= latest)) | eval FINGER_PRINT=if(isnull(OS_NUMBER) OR OS_NUMBER==0,FP,SFP) | msservers MS_SERVER | eval resolved_names_or_ips=coalesce(ms_resolved_names,ms_resolved_ips) | eval resolved_names_or_ips=if(isnull(resolved_names_or_ips),MS_SERVER,resolved_names_or_ips) | noop | noop | eval host = if (isnull(MS_SERVER),host,NULL) | eval MEMBER_IP = if (isnull(MS_SERVER),MEMBER_IP,NULL) | noop | eval DEVICE_CLASS=if(isnull(DEVICE_CLASS), "Modified or Deleted", DEVICE_CLASS) | rename host as "Member", ACTION as "Action", LEASE_IP as "Lease IP", MAC_DUID as "MAC/DUID", MEMBER_IP as "Member IP", OPTION12HOST as "Host Name", LEASE_START as "Lease Start", LEASE_END as "Lease End", FINGER_PRINT as "Fingerprint", MS_SERVER as "Microsoft Server IP", ms_resolved_names as "Microsoft Server" | convert ctime(_time) as Time | table Time, Member, "Member IP", Protocol, Action, "Lease IP", "MAC/DUID", "Host Name", "Lease Start", "Lease End", "Fingerprint", "Microsoft Server", "Microsoft Server IP"


4) And voila:

Capture d’écran 2019-02-01 à 17.33.16.pngCapture d’écran 2019-02-01 à 17.37.44.png


It is also possible to modify the DHCP lease history dashboard to include drop down menu for country, region and site if you use this data often.


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Re: Filter DHCP lease history with Extensible attributes

New Member
Posts: 1
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Hi Jeanselme,


How can we add the comment field in the DHCP lease history report. The comment needs to be the Network scope comment.



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