Member since 07-23-2014

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Yes you're right. I'm using curl to solve a structure problem of the API. Then i'll translate into a python requests call.
I see, that's a bummer because our Infoblox will be accessed by a lot of users across our company, so we don't want people to accidentally or intentionally change EA values. But thank you for taking a time to answer my question.
Thanks Richard for the Info. Maybe I will have to use some kind of external Dat...
Hi, You need to change your request to look like below. curl -k -u xxxx:xxxx -X...
Personally I would not. If you have a need for such a behavior, I suppose you could get the full list of free addresses, and then use your own algorithm to choose an address. However that would be quite inefficient.
Yes, anything in square brackets is an array. That section would look like this: "exclude": ["","",""] You could also place an exclusion range or a set of reservations in the network, to block out addresses.
You can get a list of the lease objects using an IPAM approach: curl -k1 -u adm...
It's trying to give you a large number of results, over 1000 which is the defau...
Understood. I used one of our existing EA that does not contain a space. I just put Role in the post for simplicity. If that worked in CentOS 7.6, then it should work in RHEL-7.6. Weird.....ok, I'll give Python a go. Thanks for your assistance.

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